The hardware is as safe as the hotel. The software is as comfortable as the hotel. The life service is as thoughtful as the hotel.
Hotel model management emphasizes more for detailed management and thoughtful service than the normal property management. Usually, there is a counter set up in the lobby as the hotel concierge to provide the laundry service, copy & fax, parking fee payment settle, part-time housekeeping service, pet beauty treatment and the residences could enjoy the convenience and comfortable life time.
The hotel model service usually is for the top luxury apartments, leisure apartments, business apartments, top company dormitories, student residences…etc. The management fee for the hotel model management is 20%~60% higher than the apartments in the same area due to the detailed service.
For the hotel model management, Tokyo Property Management has the professional service team. All employees need to be trained for manner, concept and practical training on-site. Every year the employees need to attend OJT for 2 times to make sure the on-site service quality.
The core E-management platform-CVMS community value management system
Tokyo Property Management established “CVMS community value management system” by the sources we integrated and experience we accumulated. To set up the standard and IT-based community management model by the convenient internet and system. This is for the community service information, financial information and the material management.